“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
There is something to be said about the power of the therapeutic relationship.
With so many self-help books and courses available to you, there's a reason why therapy continues to be a powerhouse option. Research continues to show the importance of the therapeutic relationship on the outcomes of your efforts in seeking greater mental wellness.
It isn’t always what your therapists knows (although this is still important) but how you feel about the therapeutic relationship and coming to therapy that is most impactful. A good match in therapy is what helps you foster safety and security to explore parts of your inner world that were not safe enough to explore before.

Found a match? Here’s what to do next.
We want to remain as accessible as possible. You can contact us in whatever way is most comfortable for you. Here are your options…
CALL 304-715-3010
Admin/Billing Specialist 724-825-0387
Locate the customer service number on the back of your card.
2. Ask your insurance representative if your chosen therapist is in network with your plan.
3. Ask your insurance representative what your mental health benefits are.
*** It is important that you are knowledgeable of your own benefits and what to expect in regards to cost for services.***
Once we contact you to schedule your first session, we will send you a link via. your personal e-mail. Prior to your first session we ask that you access your client portal through the link provided in the e-mail. This is where you will complete all necessary documents. If you ever have trouble completing the required documents please reach out to us by phone/text/e-mail.